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英语学习心得:为什么外国人数秒时习惯说One Mississip

线话英语|2015-05-08 16:27:44


One Mississippi

为什么美国人数秒时习惯说One Mississippi呢?这是一个连美国人本人也说不明白的问题。


咱们很难能找到它的来源,不外大局部人认为这是美国人在童年时候的就已经学到的一种数秒的方法,因为读Mississippi这个单词恰好大略须要一秒钟时光,One Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi...雨天的时候孩子们看到闪电,父母跟老师便让他们用这种办法开端数秒,等雷声音起的时候孩子们就可以依据数到的秒数来盘算闪电产生的处所间隔自己有多远了(the speed of sound is about 1/5 of a mile per second),这大略是美国基本教导中的一种很简便很适用的物理教养措施。这是英语学习心得查到的资料。

为什么不必其余的单词而必定要用Mississippi呢?良多人以为这是由于Mississippi这个词是小孩学习拼写时最开始碰到的比拟庞杂的单词之一,“It's one of the first "hard" words most of us learn to spell.”于是人们用的多了,便成为一个沿用下来的说法。

当然,英语学习心得拓展有时候你还可能听到其余相似的说法,例如,ONE steam boat, TWO steam boat...咱们还能够把加的词放在数字前面,如 Mississippi One, Mississippi two...或 one thousand-one, one thousand-two……。


One Mississippi是美国人的数秒方式,如果你来到其余英语国度,可能听到的就不再会是Mississippi(密西西比)了,英语书面语,比方英国人小时候首先学到的词不成能是Mississippi。


A Canadian was observing teaching methods in schools in several African countries.

In one, she found the children doing a science lesson, timing the swing of a pendulum(钟摆). The lesson had evidently been prepared in the US as the children were counting "Mississippi one, Mississippi two, Mississippi three ..."

After the lesson the Canadian gave a talk and mentioned that if children in her country were doing this experiment, they would probably use a Canadian word like "Saskatchewan"(加拿大的萨斯喀彻温省,留意它的最后一个音节) to do the timing.

The next day, the Canadian happened to drop in on the class and found them still timing the pendulum's swing, but today they were counting "Saskatche one, Saskatche two ..."

有一首很好听的 Country Song 就叫One Mississippi,年青的美国城市音乐歌手Jill King的首支单曲,听完这首歌我们对美国人的这种数秒办法就可能有很深入的印象了。这就是我关于“秒”的英语学习心得。




由英语口语教材提供  线话英语:www.linewow.com