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线话英语|2015-05-11 10:38:44



1. Make time for each other whether it is going out with friends, attending a sporting event, going to a social function or cuddling on the couch. We tend to forget about spending time together when we fall into the hustle and bustle of life.不管是跟友人一起出去还是去看体育赛事,又或者是去社交聚会、教堂礼拜,都应该给你的另一半留些时间。忙碌的生活中,咱们总是会忘记要花些时间在另一半身上。

2. An important key to a long lasting relationship is affection and loving. When your partner least expects it, reach out and hug or kiss them. Do this spontaneously and frequently.英语对照翻译为一段长期的恋情中彼此间的爱慕之情十分主要。在你的爱人不预见到的情况下,多多自然地抱抱Ta或者亲亲Ta。

3. Tell your partner how lucky you feel to have them in your life. Couples forget to tell each other from time to time how truly important the other is to them. Speak out and express your love when you can and tell them how much you care.告知你的伴侣,你为你的生命中有Ta而感到如许幸运。伴侣之间经常会忘记告诉对方,他们对自己是多么重要。所以平时要多跟本人的伴侣说你是如许在乎他们。

4. Give your partner space. Just as much as we need time together, we also need space. Give your partner the space they need, when they need it.英语对照翻译:多给对方一点空间。我们跟伴侣在一起的时光很多,然而大家同样都是须要私人空间的。所以在伴侣需要私家空间的时候我们应该给他们这样的空间。

5. Start over. Some couples are able to do this and achieve a 'new' feeling again within their relationships. This feeling is achieved by forgiving and forgetting the past and the mistakes both of you have made.学会归零。有些情侣之间能够做到这一点,并从中获得一种“新”开真个觉得。通常体谅和忘却双方的错误可能给你们带来这种感觉等英语对照翻译。

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