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线话英语|2015-05-11 10:44:03


Zac Efron‘s bodyguard claims the High School Musical star risked his own life to save the life of his bodyguard when the two were allegedly attacked by transient homeless men in L.A.’s notorious Skid Row area on March 23. Zac is on the mend after being punched in the mouth during the incident.扎克·埃夫隆的贴身保镖声称,这位《歌舞青春》明星冒着生命危险救了他一命。据说他们两个3月23日在洛杉矶臭名昭著的贫民区被流浪汉袭击,扎克在事变中被打到嘴巴,目前正在好转。

Zac, 26, and his bodyguard were on their way to a restaurant called Little Tokyo in downtown L.A. a little after midnight on March 23, when they ran out of gas at the bottom of a downtown L.A. off-ramp, the bodyguard tells TMZ in a new interview.英汉对照翻译为保镖在接受TMZ采访时描述道:3月23日午夜26岁的扎克跟保镖前往洛杉矶市区一家名叫“Little Tokyo”的餐厅,他们行驶到洛杉矶市区边的时候汽油用光了,于是驶出闸道。

Zac previously told police that while the car was stopped, he threw a bottle out of the window and it smashed on the pavement near a group of homeless men, who then became angry and attacked his bodyguard. The bodyguard claims the transients came at him with a spear and stabbed him in in the face, stomach and chest, according to TMZ.此前扎克告知警察,当车停下时,他把一个瓶子扔出窗外,瓶子砸到了人行道上,惹怒了附近的流浪汉,于是他们袭击了扎克的保镖。保镖告诉美国名人消息网说,流落汉朝他走去,用尖利的东西刺了他的面部,胃部跟胸部。

That’s when Zac bravely stepped into harm’s way to help and ended up getting punched in the mouth, according to the bodyguard. ”It was the hardest I’ve ever been hit in my life,” Zac said. 保镖说,这时候扎克勇敢的站出来帮助他,也被揍到嘴巴。“这是我这辈子挨揍最重大的一次。”扎克说的英汉对照翻译。

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