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线话英语|2015-05-11 10:44:30



Want to earn $150,000? If you speak multiple languages, have a college degree and are willing to travel the world with the Brangelina family — then read on to see how you could be their nanny!想年入15万美元?如果你会多国语言,又有大学学历,还乐意跟着布拉德·皮特和安吉丽娜·朱莉一家到寰球各地旅行的话——那你一定要看看怎么做布拉德·皮特家的保姆了。

Raising six children is a full time job so imagine how hard it must be for Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie to juggle making movies, doing charity work, and being parents. The beautiful couple needs a lot of hired help to get the job done, but they aren’t looking for your average run-of-the-mill babysitters.要抚养六个孩子可不是随随便便就能搞定的,所以你可能试想一下布拉德·皮特跟安吉丽娜·朱莉在拍电影、做慈善跟当好称职的父母这多少项事业中辗转有多难。所以这对明星夫妻不得不雇请别人来帮帮手,然而他们找的保姆可都不是个别水平的保姆。

英语文章带翻译学习词汇:run of the mill 个别的、一般的、不突出的

First of all, Brad and Angelina have one nanny for each of their six children. These women are required to speak two languages (with one being the native language of the child), must have college degrees in education or child development, and be willing to travel with the family who splits their time in California, New Orleans, and France.首先,布拉德和安吉丽娜的孩子们每人都设备有一名保姆。他们恳求保姆能说两种语言(其中一种是孩子的母语),保姆们还必须要有教诲或者是儿童发展的大学学历,由于两人不得不在加利福尼亚、新奥尔良和法国之间来回辗转,保姆们也得愿意和这一家人一起辗转在这些地方。

The job is demanding, but a source says it pays off! Nannies are compensated $50,000 to $150,000 a year depending on time and experience. This means the elusive A-list couple spends more than half a million dollars on childcare each year!这份工作请求确切很高,然而据知情人士吐露,这份工作的工资也相当不菲!根据她们各自的工作时间和教训保姆门每年能拿到5万-15万美元不等的工资。这象征着这对夫妇在照顾孩子们这一方面每年要花至少50万美元。

But we applaud the parents for providing their children with the best of the best, and ensuring they are educated to the highest standards possible.咱们也很同意父母给孩子们供应最好的资源让他们接受到最好的教导的英语文章带翻译资料。

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