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在线翻译 句子:贝克汉姆携子女出游 小七骑大马

线话英语|2015-05-11 10:50:12



She is the only daughter of four and also the youngest child. So Harper Beckham is surely treated like a little princess by her famous parents David and Victoria.在线翻译 句子她是四个孩子里唯一的女儿,也是最小的妹妹。因此哈珀·贝克汉姆无疑成了名人父母大卫和维多利亚的小公主。

And David cleared up any doubt of that on Tuesday as he took his children to Legoland in California. The recently retired professional footballer carried his little girl, who turned two last month, on his shoulders the entire time.在线翻译 句子上周二大卫收拾好行李带着孩子们去加利福尼亚的乐高乐园游玩。这位刚退役不久的前职业球星还扛着他的小女儿,全程小七始终坐在爸爸肩头。哈珀上个月刚满两岁。

Harper was on lookout while David navigated his way through the theme park, while Romeo and Cruz walked by his side with a friend. 在线翻译 句子当大卫朝着主题公园前进时,哈珀则在高处巡视瞭望,罗密欧、克鲁兹跟另一个友人走在贝克汉姆身边。

The 38-year-old, who kept a firm grip on his daughter’s ankles, at other times was seen carrying her in front of his face while wrapping his arms around her.这位38岁的爸爸紧紧抓着女儿的脚踝,有时也会把她放到到胸前,两臂交叉缭绕。


While matriarch Victoria wasn’t in attendance for the fun-filled day, there was no doubt she had dressed Harper beforehand. 固然妻子维多利亚不参加这次欢乐之行,但无疑她当时把哈珀精心打扮了一番。

The cute as a button youngster looked stylish in a pink dress and white tennis shoes, with her blonde hair pulled into a bun.可恶的小七穿着粉色小裙子,白色网球鞋,金色的头发还打成髻,看起来特别时尚。

Meanwhile David was dressed casually as usual in a black T-shirt, khaki baseball cap, jeans and red trainers with neon yellow laces. 而贝克汉姆的装扮则像平凡一样简单随意:黑色T恤衫、卡其色棒球帽、牛仔裤和配有亮黄鞋带的红色运动鞋。

The sports star had a grey jumper tied around his waist in case he got cold and carried the family’s belongings in a red rucksack.这位体育明星腰上系着灰色外套,以防受凉,背上还有个装着全家出游物品的红色帆布包。

Since quitting football professionally, David has a lot more time to spend with his family. And while Victoria was absent on this occasion, she joined her husband and their children the day before for an afternoon of horse riding in Los Angeles.自从作为职业球员退役离开足坛后,贝克汉姆有了更多的时光和家人在一起。诚然这次维多利亚不一起出游,但前一天还在洛杉矶花了一下战书时间跟丈夫、孩子们骑马游玩等在线翻译句子内容。

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