• 01-232017
    美国加州旅行大巴高速路与卡车相撞 10死多伤
    Officials said at least 10 people are dead after a tour bus hit a tractor-trailer near Palm Springs, California.美国加州棕榈泉附近一旅游巴士与卡车相撞,官员表示至少已造成10人遇难。More than 30 people were injured as well.另外,超过30余人...
  • 01-232017
    美国加州旅行大巴高速路与卡车相撞 10死多伤
    Officials said at least 10 people are dead after a tour bus hit a tractor-trailer near Palm Springs, California.美国加州棕榈泉附近一旅游巴士与卡车相撞,官员表示至少已造成10人遇难。More than 30 people were injured as well.另外,超过30余人...
  • 01-232017
    Two local sources told NBC News, two American brothers have been arrested in Tunisia on suspicion of belonging to a terrorist organization.来自两处当地消息告诉NBC新闻,美国两兄弟在突尼斯被逮捕,涉嫌参与恐怖组织。A senior police official s...
  • 01-202017
    On Friday, following weeks of street protests and an approval rating that dropped to only 4%,周五,在数周的街头抗议以及支持率下降到只有百分之4后,South Korean President Park Geun-hye was impeached by the nation’s National Assembly.韩...
  • 01-202017
    洪水泛滥 加州内华达州数千居民撤离
    A state of emergency has been declared in California as a massive storm has flooded areas and knocked over trees.大规模暴风雨来袭,树木被吹断,加利福尼亚宣布进入紧急状态。Thousands of people were without power in Sonoma County, and w...
  • 01-192017
    法国或通过"断联法" 下班后可拒接工作邮件
    In France, a law being referred to as the "Right to Disconnect" may be passed. It will allow employees to disconnect their emails when they are not at work, so their personal time is not interrupted by work. Companies that...
  • 01-192017
    福特公司打算迁址 特朗普表示不满
    The Ford Motor Company is moving ahead with plans to shift production of small cars to Mexico from Michigan. Ford CEO Mark Fields says they will move their production of the Ford Focus to Mexico to create room for "two ve...
  • 01-182017
    Defense Secretary Ash Carter says North Korea's nuclear weapons capabilities and ballistic missile defense programs constitute a "serious threat" to the United States.国防部长阿什·卡特表示,朝鲜的核武器和弹道导弹防御计划对美国构成“严...
  • 01-182017
    大量苹果手机自动关机引消费者不满 原因还未查明
    The Chinese Consumer Association is asking Apple to investigate reports from users that say their iPhones shut off and can't be turned back on.中国消费者协会要求苹果公司调查用户关于苹果手机自动关机且无法重新开机的报告。The CCA added...
  • 01-172017
    2030年吸烟丧生可达800万 大部分来自中低收入国家
    According to a new study by the World Health Organization, smoking already costs the global economy more than 1 trillion dollars a year.根据世界卫生组织的一项新研究,吸烟已经使全球经济每年损失超过1万亿美元。By 2030, it will also kill ...
  • 01-172017
    Designers envision what life will be like in 50 years and their visions are quite idealistic. Designer Campbell Rey expects 3D printing to be the new norm: allowing us to print marble, rosewood, and other materials considered...
  • 01-162017
    EOS is making headlines this week, but not because another celebrity is endorsing the egg-shaped lip balms.EOS本周登上了新闻头条,不过并不是因为又有名人推荐了它形似鸡蛋的润唇膏。Multiple customers filed claims against the company because ...
  • 01-162017
    NASA杀进机器人比赛决赛 五年努力见成效
    After five years and over 40 teams, NASA is holding the final round of their robot competition.五年以来经过40多个团队的努力,美国宇航局终于走到了机器人比赛的决赛。The contest intends to develop technologies which will be used in future...
  • 01-132017
    A new McDonald’s in Missouri is offering customers all-you-can-eat french fries when it opens in July.今年7月,麦当劳连锁将在密苏里州开业,新店将向顾客提供“自助薯条”服务。The franchise’s owner, Chris Habiger, announced his plan to bui...
  • 01-132017
    Health, Education, Marital Status Affect Birth Weight of Girls母亲的学历和婚姻状况会影响女儿的出生体重Social factors such as education and marital status of a mother can have as much effect on the birth weight of her daughter as b...
  • 01-122017
    United Airlines announced on Thursday that it will start service from San Francisco International Airport to Singapore's Changi Airport, starting June 1st.“美联航”宣布从6月1日起,推出首个旧金山飞新加坡直飞航班。The flight will be ...
  • 01-122017
    The U.S. Air Force deployed B-52 bombers to Qatar on Saturday to join the fight against Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. It is the first time they have been based in the Middle East since the end of the Gulf War in 199...
  • 01-112017
    The U.S. government has approved the sale of up to nine Boeing Co P-8A Poseidon maritime patrol planes to Britain.经美国政府批准,9架波音P-8A“海神”海上巡逻机将向英国出售。The U.S. Defense Department added on Friday that the deal is...
  • 01-112017
    U.S. oil futures rose on Wednesday for the first time in eight days, pulling further back from the widely watched $30-per-barrel level breached the previous session, after industry data showed crude stocks unexpectedly fell las...
  • 01-102017
    A civilian helicopter plunged into the waters of Hawaii's Pearl Harbor on Thursday.周四,一架民用直升机坠毁在夏威夷珍珠港水域。The crash resulted in its five passengers being taken to hospital, including a teenage boy who was in...