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线话英语|2014-06-09 10:49:20

    Tokyo has triumphed over theBig Apple and the city of Gaudi as the best destination for travelers acrossthe world in an online poll.


  According to a surveyof over 54,000 travelers conducted by Internet travel site TripAdvisor, Tokyobeat out New York and Barcelona as the city with 'the best overall experience.'


  Tokyo ranked amongthe top 10 in 13 out of the 16 sections in the survey, and topped five of them,including the categories 'helpful locals,' 'best taxi services,' and 'cleaneststreets.'


  The news will serveas a welcome boost for the Japanese government as it looks to attract 20million foreign visitors to the country per year by 2020 and 30 million by2030. Japan managed to top 10 million foreign visitors for the first time in2013.


  Tokyo's triumph alsocomes less than a month after Food and Wine magazine picked the city over Parisas a better city for U.S. tourists to visit. In the latest survey, Tokyo beatParis in the 'best for restaurants' category, coming third behind Cape Town andNew York.

  不到一个月前,《Food andWine》杂志给出的美国游客旅行目的地建议中,东京排在巴黎之前。在最近的调查中,在最佳餐厅分类中,东京打败巴黎,排在第三位,仅次于开普敦和纽约。



  TripAdvisor, whichoperates in 39 countries, picked 37 major cities and asked its users toevaluate them based on their travel experience on a scale of 0 to 10. Votersaren't likely to have voted for cities in their home countries, a spokeswomanat TripAdvisor's Tokyo branch said. The survey was sent out to users who posteda review on the site previously.


  While scoring justover 9 for 'best overall experience,' Tokyo's lowest rating was 7.02 for 'bestvalue for money,' leaving it in 20th place in that category. The Big Mikan came13th in the list for 'best for attractions,' with a score of 8.76.

  东京在“最佳整体体验”一项中得分略高于9,最低得分出现在“最物有所值”一项,得分为7.02,在该项中排在第20位。素有“大蜜柑”(Big Mikan)之称的东京在“最佳旅游景点”一项中排在第13位,得分为8.76。

  Of the 37 citiessurveyed, Mumbai ranked lowest in the best overall experience category with7.13, trailing the Dominican Republic's Punta Cana score of 7.32 and Moscow's 7.55.

  在接受调查的37个城市中,孟买在“最佳整体体验”一项中排名最低,得分为7.13,排在多米尼加共和国的蓬塔卡纳 (7.32)和莫斯科(7.55)之后。

  IESE Business Schoolat the University of Navarra last month also revealed that Tokyo is the'smartest' city in the world followed by London and New York, according to a studyof 50 indicators including governance, technology, public management and urbanplanning.

  纳瓦拉大学(University ofNavarra) IESE商学院上个月也公布说,根据对包括城市治理、科技、公共管理和城市规划等50个指标的研究,东京是全球最“聪明”的城市,排在其后的是伦敦和纽约。

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