• 04-112014
    A bear fell into a trap, the trap depth of 19.617 meters, the fall time of just 2 seconds.Asked what color is the bear?" 有一只熊掉到一个陷阱里,陷阱深19.617米,下落时间正好2秒。求熊是什么颜色的?” 5 alternative answers are "white", "Brown", "b...
  • 04-082014
      《飞狐外传》   Other Tales of the Flying Fox   《雪山飞狐》   Flying Fox of Snowy Mountain   《连城诀》   A Deadly Secret   《天龙八部》   Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils   《射雕英雄传》   The Legend of the Condor Heroes   《...
  • 04-032014
      文章出轨事件闹得满城风雨,就连普通人也从看客变成了说客,每个人都想表达一下自己的观点。这里无心讨论是非曲直,只想告诉大家一些从热点新闻中学习英语的方法。   方法一:关键词学习   热点新闻肯定会有一些关键词,比如这起事件中,“出轨”,“小三”,“婚外情”,“...
  • 04-012014
      白天=daytime,夜晚≠nighttime   可以看出,英语是一种不合逻辑的语言。   Daytime(白天)是一个词:night-time或night time(夜晚)则不是一个词。需要加连字符或者空格。   例句:   During the daytime he has to work and at night he must take care ...
  • 03-282014
      新“十诫”:   1 Havefaithin yourself. (相信自己。)   2Respectyour parents. (尊敬父母。)   3 Be honest. (要诚实。)   4. Take responsibility for your own life. (对自己负责。)   5 Live life to be full and bepassionate. (要活得充...
  • 03-242014
      Manyhave said that sorry is the hardest word but they'd be wrong,linguistically speaking at least。   很多人说,“对不起”是最难说出口的词。不过,他们其实错了——至少从语言学的角度上说。   According to a poll, the word we find hardes...
  • 03-122014
      近日有英国媒体把今年高考(微博)语文作文题都翻译成英文,并加以点评,称作文题很有创意,能够激发学生们的想象力。来看看这位老外同学写的作文好了,和中国学生审题的角度有哪些差别呢?   I'm no Li Bai, but when it comes to poetry I know what I like, and...
  • 03-062014
      WARNING: There's many way to persuade youngsters to stay in school, but this may have just gone one step TOO far.   高能预警:有很多办法可以说服年轻人们不要逃学,但这个宣传广告是不是有点太过了?   This controversial video aimed at ...
  • 01-212014
    英语中的甜言蜜语 你知道多少
      1) You look more beautiful every time I see you.   每次见到你,你都更漂亮。   2) I love you with all my heart.   我全心全意爱你.   3) I love you for you.   我真心爱你.   (简单吧!当你想表示爱的是对方的人,而不是其他如钱财、权势...
  • 01-162014
      春运的英语表达为:(passenger)transport during the Spring Festival period   更多关于春运的英语:   客运量 volume of passenger transport   客运列车 passenger train   客流高峰期 peak time for passenger transport   加开列车 operate / ...
  • 12-192013
  • 12-122013
      Looking like a tourist can cost you money and pride.   如果看起来像个游客,会让你又花钱又伤自尊。   Looking like a local can open you up to even greater harassment.   而看起来像本地人可能会带给你更多的烦恼。   Read our survivo...
  • 10-312013
    The menswear floor of the New World Department Store in central Chengdu, a city of 14m in western China, offers the kind of fast fashion you might expect to see in any second-tier city in the US or Europe. The signage on...
  • 10-242013
      Business leaders didn't get to where they are today without a bit of wisdom guiding them along the way.   如果没有智慧的一路相伴,这些商业巨头不会有今日的成就。   Many of them cite books — whether strategy guides or novels...
  • 10-212013
    It is said that for memorization purposes, there are forty minutes each day in which our memory is vastly more receptive than it is during the other 23 hours and 20 minutes. This 40-minute “super memory” period is divi...
  • 10-172013
    扫街大叔甩一口嘛溜英语 惊
    【高手在民间,北京南锣鼓巷一扫地大爷用英语聊天儿!家人们,麻利儿背单词去。。。】北京扫街大爷接受采访甩出一口英语!这绝对是标准的答题套路啊…莎士比亚张口就来…还高屋建瓴大谈Civilization…最后再来一句Do you think so?顿觉多年英语白学了…背单词去!
  • 10-152013
    It’s a small romantic world after all. 这毕竟是一个充满浪漫的小世界。 At least that’s what the number crunchers on Facebook’s data science team discovered when analyzing anonymous data of U.S. couples over the...
  • 10-122013
               1、Pearl Harbor 是珍珠港,我们叫:蚌埠。   2、New York 是纽约,我们叫:新乡。   3、Red River Valley 是红河谷,我们叫:丹江口。   4、Phoenix 是凤凰城,我们叫:宝鸡。   5、Rock hometown 是摇滚之乡,我们叫:石家庄。
  • 10-112013
      Wu Zhuan and Zong Yinghong don't wear wedding rings, nor do they hold hands or kiss in public. Instead, it is their matching turquoise shirts decorated with yellow and black hearts that signal that they are man and w...
  • 10-102013
    澳洲大学向“虎妈”学习 吸引中国留学生
      Australian universities are learning from Asia's tiger moms in a bid to address a sharp fall in overseas students, who are being lured to U.S. colleges where living and study costs are cheaper.   At the request of st...