• 03-302015
    英语笑话大全哈哈哈,绝对是人才呀……   关注英语微信每天学习实用英语  
  • 03-272015
    学英语的美剧 美版甄嬛传:字幕君你还好吗?
    学英语的美剧 盼望着,盼望着,美版《甄嬛传》近日已登陆美国,能在付费网站Netflix上观看了。 早起曝光的片头倒还是很唯美。。。但是。。。 咦,这个评分是怎么回事!我国民大剧肿么才两星半!这不科学! 其实,早在这部剧登陆Netflix之前,就有不少海外观众通过DVD、下载,观...
  • 03-252015
    Originating in the 17th century, it is a contraction of mistress, which was used for all women。    英语知识:Miss是mistress的缩写,mistress可以指称所有女人。(虽然mistress意为情妇,意思不是很好)    不过注意哦,对于结了婚但并未随夫姓的女士,称...
  • 03-242015
    英文歌曲 经典推荐:You Will be Mine
      英文歌曲 经典 You Will be Mine中英歌词:      She moved in to the house next door 英文歌曲 经典      她搬到隔壁的房子里      Said she'd never been in love before      说她从来没有谈过恋爱      Tried the best she c...
  • 03-242015
    1 crab 英语趣闻:螃蟹有许多腿,还有一双很厉害的钳子。大概是由于它的相貌,人们都认为它是一种性情急燥、容易动怒的动物。正因为这样,美国人把那些性格暴燥,脾气很坏的人叫做crab。 例如,学生经常把老师叫做crab,特别是当老师要执行学校规章制度的时候: I don't...
  • 03-202015
    英语语法大全用顺口溜来学习英语,至少有三大好处:一是节省了时间。死记硬背效果差不说,还费时间,而利用顺口溜,效率又高又省时;二是培养了自己的概括思维能力。把一些词语编成顺口溜,看似容易,其实也难;三是使人觉得学习英语还是饶有兴趣的。   英语语法大全既然顺口溜...
  • 03-172015
    If you want to impress a man, don't try to be funny. 如果你想给一个男人留下好印象,那么不要试图太有趣。网上英语学习 Research shows that men aren't hugely attracted to witty women. 研究表明,机智幽默的女人对男人没有太大的吸引力。网上英语学习...
  • 03-172015
    每天英语Every Jack has his Jill.(人各有偶。)在这句谚语中Jack和Jill不是具体的某一个男、女,而是对男、女的通称。英语词汇中的人名借用现象是屡见不鲜的。如: cheap Jack卖廉价货物的小贩子 每天英语 Jack of all trades and master of none杂而不精的人。 ...
  • 09-232014
    There is no egg in eggplant (1) nor ham in hamburger(2), neither apple nor pine in pineapple(3)。 鸡蛋和茄子没什么血缘关系;苹果和凤梨的长相差距很大。 English muffins(4) weren't invented in England or French fries(5) in France。 英式松饼的家乡不是英国;炸土豆...
  • 09-222014
    大部分英语幽默翻译成中文,幽默感是一样,有三两以上幽默感的人都能感受到。你需要把心情调到幽默档,把愤世嫉俗藏到床底下,吃小龙虾要吃出龙虾的味道。下面是一组说到一些城市时表达的幽默,即使表达生气时心也能傻笑。 1、Twilight was descending over Los Angeles ……“How g...
  • 09-192014
    1、I have the simplest tastes. I am always satisfied with the best. 我的品味最简单了,我总是对最好的感到满意 注:前一句好像在说自己对品味要求不高 2、If you love something set it free, but don't be surprised if it comes back with herpes.” 如果你爱某人,就给他自由...
  • 09-162014
    August 13th is Left Handers' Day and this year, 2014, will mark the 22nd annual celebration. The first celebration took place in 1976 to promote awareness of left handers' and the struggles they face with the day-to-day products catered towards the right-handed p...
  • 09-152014
    在看美剧的时候,经常会发现年轻人们喜欢用一些俏皮的俚语,跟我们在书中学的表达很不一样,今天我们一起来学习一下吧! 1. He waved with a big cheesy grin.   他朝我挥了挥手,脸上带着那种假假的笑容。   2. Stop being a chicken and try the rollercoaster ri...
  • 09-112014
    英语趣味阅读——I Wasn’t Asleep(我没有睡着)
    I Wasn't Asleep  When a group of women got on the car, every seat was already occupied. The conductor noticed a man who seemed to be asleep, and fearing he might miss his stop, he nudged him and said: "Wake up, sir!" "I wasn't asleep," the man answered. "N...
  • 09-092014
    看笑话学英语:Quietness 安静
    Funny Moment 轻松一刻 Quietness A Sunday school teacher asked her studentsjust before she dismissed them to go to church, "Why is it necessary to be quiet in church?" A boy yelled,"Because people are sleeping. " Notes: 1. A Sunday school teacher asked her studen...
  • 09-052014
    A woman whose husband often came home drunk decided to cure him of the habit. One Halloween night, she put on a devil suit and hid behind a tree to intercept him on the way home. 一位妇人发现丈夫回家的时候总是烂醉如泥,她决定为丈夫治好这个毛病。一个万圣节夜里,她...
  • 09-032014
    英语趣闻:If I were a boy again 假如我又回到了童年
    线话英语整理的【英语趣闻】,If I were a boy again 假如我又回到了童年,供大家欣赏。 线话英语微信学习大全: 每日一练——每天10分钟,轻松学习一节课 英语词汇——最潮最酷的流行新词 实用英语——旅游、职场、商务英语应有尽有 疯狂语音——每天一句脱口而出的英语短句 在线互...
  • 09-022014
    去国外口语必学第一句:厕所在哪?只是厕所到底怎么说,去“方便”又怎么说?不同的场合,对不同的人,这一句话可以说得高雅,也可以说得粗俗,小编就给大家来科普一下厕所英语。 Do you usually say, “I’m going to the toilet” in English?   你是否常用“I&rsqu...
  • 08-292014
    经典英文幽默故事 Lucky Frog
    为帮助大家在轻松愉快的氛围中掌握英语基础知识,下面是一些英语小幽默,开怀一笑吧! Lucky Frog A man takes the day off work and decides to go out golfing. He is on the second hole when he notices a frog sitting next to the green. He thinks nothing of it and is a...
  • 08-272014
    在日常生活中,我们经常会说到“加油”,可是用英语来说的话,在不同的场合是有不同的表达的哦。 1. 看比赛时的“加油”怎么说? 这个简单相比大家小时候就学过的,“Come on China!”,“Come on England”就可以了。 2. 看球连续喊“加油” 连续喊着“Come on China! Come on China...